Managed to get in the darkroom a few days later and get another sunset picture printed, this time I deliberately added a bit of warmth to the image by altering the colours a bit. I think this adds to the image a great deal, multiplying the colour that was already there and adding it to areas that were previously quite plain.
My scanner is now pretty much useless, so i've resorted to taking photos of my prints with my iPhone, so excuse the grainy, distorted quality:
I've also managed to get hold of a Mamiya again for a while, so I took it out to take some general photographs, with no distinct subject, mainly to improve my understanding of the camera and as a way of practicing full manual film photography.
I decided to venture out to a local public house by the name of "Hall Place" as it was a nice day and I thought I could find something good to snap there. I wasn't wrong, as the house itself provided a great, almost picturesque, manor house-type subject.
I set up to take the first shot, had everything ready and metered & focussed. As I removed the darkslide to expose, a rougue goose stuck it's head up into frame and ruined my shot, costing me an exposure on the film, I wasn't most pleased although it was quite funny after when I saw the picture for the first time. I shooed the goose away and tried agin, this time the photograph was much better.
I also attempted to take photographs of a few notable trees in the local area, there were a few that stood out because of their size, location and separation from others. I thought they would make good subjects to practice on.
Overall I was very happy with this unrelated photographic venture, because it gave me some much needed experience with the Mamiya and was another opportunity to drill the process of manual photography into my brain, so it wasn't a wasted effort. (And I got some good shots out of it too I think)
Next up: The body :)
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