Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Editing Process & Final Image

[As we all worked together on research, this blog post originally came from Lily's blog - as this was the blog we used to output all things relevant. This is a repost of what we ALL did]

It took a while to filter though all of our images and select out a few for our final edit. 

We chose these images because of all round qualities such as characterisation, lighting and outfit choice. From these we chose to base our final decision based on the characterisation as this is the key to our narrative and the main intention of our shoot.

Other images were unsuccessful as when we first began shooting we had trouble with the characterisation of our model and getting the correct pose and expression to match our storyline. We did not select others because of the way the lighting was falling on the model as this caused distorted shadows.
We decided on this image as we were struggling with the “gaze”, but as the model got into it she began trying a wider range of expressions and we thought the sadder, pitiful side to our character was something that could potentially be more powerful and emotive. We liked the utilisation of a prop as well as it links her to the set and provides an explanation for them. The way you see her leg makes the image more typically fashion as well, as itsexualises and glamourises her. 

We went about editing this by mapping out the small details that could be changed without changing the whole image completely as this would defeat the object of the whole project.

This is our final edited image. (There are colour and quality issues with this exact one because of the transfer onto here!)

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