Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Pitch & Proposal Tutorial

[As we all worked together on research, this blog post originally came from Lily's blog - as this was the blog we used to output all things relevant. This is a repost of what we ALL did]

These are the four mood boards we put together for our tutorial. Two are bsed on styling - clothing, makeup, hair, posture, gaze... The others are about our set and the different materials and textures we will need to form it.

In this powerpoint we included our concept, casting choices and build list.

There were a few points on which we need to work on as a group which we pointed out by the tutors.

- find out her exact measurments/dimension
- Take some offical casting pictures that show these off.
- Exact styling of the hair so it is more appropriate for our story.

- Use a larger light source from the front and make sure it is very difussed.
- Use HMI 1.2kw light for the moon light with filters.
- move light closer to camera so the is less harsh shadow.
- try local lighting - behind tree, in corner of the room. 100 watt.
- stretch spun over the light to get a really defused glow.
- Use flags and suspended polyboards so front light does no corrupt background light.

- Start weathering wood so that we get the right dimensions rather then trying to find the right wood.

- Try on an 80mm lens

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